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COVID-19: Know your New Zealand Visa Status

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The entire world is suffering from the impact of the sudden outbreak of Novel Coronavirus right now. Not only traveling within a country but cross border traveling is also at halt. Just like the whole world is seeing controlled entry, New Zealand is no different. All the people traveling to New Zealand have to face certain restrictions while immigrating to New Zealand which includes a COVID-19 test report and a two-weeks quarantine or isolation.  

For Temporary Entry and Resident Visa Holders 

Every person in New Zealand is required to comply to the health instructions issues for the Covid-19. For the new resident and temporary visas that were earlier granted are now subjected to the specific Visa conditions and they need to comply with a few conditions. 

These conditions will also be applicable on Australian citizens as well as the permanent residents from Australia that have been granted resident visa in NZ irrespective of their duration of stay. If anybody fails to comply with the requirements, there can be problems and they can even be detained or deported for breaching the visa conditions. These conditions are: 

  • Any order made under Covid-19 Public Health Response Act 2020, Section 11
  • Under Health Act 1965, Section 70 and order listed in Schedule 2 of Covid-19 Public Health Response Act 2020
  • Any quarantinable diseases instructed by any Medical officer 

If you don’t have access to all the recent developments, New Zealand immigration consultants in Dubai will guide you through these procedures. 

Recent Exceptions 

The dependents and partners of the citizens and residents of New Zealand will be allowed to travel without their residents or citizen. An exception will be granted to them. 

In addition to this, there are newer criteria rolled out for the essential workers. 

Epidemic Management Notice 

All the changes that have been rolled out since the month of April are present in the Epidemic Management Notice. In June, there were certain changes that were included in it. In the earlier notice the lodge and process visas were restricted but from June 24, the lodgement and processing has resumed. 

The extensions which have already been applied earlier are not affected by the new changes. 

You can attain all this information with the help of your New Zealand Immigration consultant in Dubai. 

Your Visa Status if You are presently in NZ

If you hold a temporary employer-assisted work visa which will expire before 31st December 2020, chances are it can get extended for six months. This also includes visas that were due expiry on 9th July and visas that were preciously extended till 25th September under Epidemic Management Notice. 

Immigration New Zealand looking into visa processing times

The employer-assisted temporary work visa must include:

  • Essential skills 
  • Special and skilled work visas for Indonesia, South Korea, Philippines, China, Vietnam 
  • Work to Residence 
  • Work Visas that are granted under the Immigration act 2009 specifying an employer
  • Work Visas for Thai Chefs and Japanese Interpreters 

All the other conditions for original visas remain same that include the job titles and locations. If there are changes your employment status, you are required to apply for a new visa or a variation of conditions. 

All these changes have been rolled out in order to provide a smooth and hassle-free immigration in times of Covid-19. To know the complete alterations and modifications in conditions, get in touch with New Zealand immigration consultant in Dubai. 


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